Sunday, March 27, 2011

The flow of creativity

I am ever so thankful for all the teasures from paper swaps.
I love to browse through my paper stacks from all over the world and use bits and bites here and there in my collages.

Vintage things

My daughter and I had a crafty sunday yesterday, our studio was filled with sun and creativity and that's a wonderful feeling.
On Svea's desk
Child at work

Svea now makes her collages with more consciousness. This piece is called "the mother" and she refers to the fact, that I am sometimes a little bit over-protecting, that's why she calls me "mother of sorrows".
Die Mutter

I love what one can do with tea, ink and old letterpress stamps.
Dyeing and stamping
8 wtj zuhause/home

I am still doing a "wtj" ("wreck this journal"). This is #8. To work in a wtj just gives me the feeling to play, to take it easy, to loose myself in a creativity flow without censoring.
8 wtj who knows
8 wtj leaves and other things
8 wtj something in paint
8 wtj scratch

Talking about paper swap: last call for the April swap, who wants to join?! Just send me an e-mail!


  1. Lovely pictures and journal! Your daughter looks like she is very clever. I am hoping to be around next time around.

  2. You have some wonder-full stuff in your collections!! I love the journal pages- your daughter is showing alot of talent!!

  3. What a wonderful workspace you and Svea have! No wonder the two of you are so creative or is it the other way round? :-) And you collages are magical again.
    Liefs uit Leiden,

  4. it is always lovely to see what you are creating and how very special that you and your daughter get to play together

    I can feel the sunshine and Love

  5. I love the way your documentation has progressed: your photographs are brilliant x


So glad to hear from you!


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